One-Stop Shop for conscious buying- GoodBuy

Backstory 🔍

Online shopping follow unethical practices that harm factory workers while consumers are unaware of their actions.

Stakeholders should be transparent about their practices and consumers should be aware of fair trade policies.

Objective 🎯

Explore the existing issues with stakeholders.

Understand the painpoints of all stakeholders and underlying patterns.

Ideate to make online shopping experience more ethical and conscious.

Outcome ✨

Educate consumers about factory workers' conditions.

Encourage consumers to take action.

Empower consumers to make Brands accountable and transparent about fair trade practices.

How I got there...

Discovery 🔎

The 5 whys,
Interview Protocol, Interviews

Synthesis 💭

Data synthesis, Insight generation.

Ideation 🏗️

Concept Relay,
User Flows

User Testing 💻

User Evaluation Protocol, Interviews

Once upon a time in 2021...

Patagonia wanted a solution to help consumers be more conscious about brands that support factory workers’ well-being and environment and make their support count against non-ethical brands.Online shopping platforms usually don’t takes into account the ethical aspect of factory workers’ rights to fair compensation and living wages and most consumers are unaware of it.

Project Type
Adobe Creative Jam
Dec 3 - 10
UX Researcher, UX Designer
Top 10 Finalist
My Role
Research, conducted interview, Concept Development, UX concept.
Learning and Future Scope
Research, conducted interview, Concept Development, UX concept.
Adobe Creative Jam + Patagonia: The Design Challenge

The story behind the Product.

1. Sherlock's at work : Exploring the 5 why's.

The Stakeholders

What makes fashion unethical?

1. Workers’ rights abuses
2. Animal exploitation
3. Heavy carbon emissions
4. Unethical cotton sourcing
5. Polluting materials.

Even though, all the 5 are very important topics that I could focus to solve on, as part of this Design Challenge, I needed to focus on 'Workers' rights abuses'.

Having decided the first domain of my design frame, to explore further into the space, I had 3 questions,

The current issues with transparency about factory workers’ conditions and wages.
Existing laws and regulations to protect factory workers’ rights.
Aware among the consumers about factory workers’ conditions.

I was surprised how as a consumer myself I never thought about this aspect of shopping online, so to find the answer the first two questions, I started reading existing articles available and youtube videos and scholarly journals.

For the answer to 3rd question, talked to general shoppers, to learn about their shopping experience, I had to defamiliarize myself and ask them questions about their thought and decision making process when they shop online.

Brands and Factory Workers

of fashion brands don't disclose living wages.
Only 0.6% of the cost of a T Shirt goes to workers as pay.
There is very little or no involvement of consumers directly on the problems of factory workers.

Fairness washing instead of acting?

I found out that even though brands have rules and regulations for factory worker's rights, they are usually not followed through when there is pressure from the thirds party suppliers.

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act by Zara

According to an article published by Business Report in 2021, some brands removed statements protesting forced labour when confronted by China, These brands were exploiting human rights in exchange of reduced cost of manufacture. So, how can we make the stakeholders liable?

Business Report 2021

In 2017, Turkish factory workers' condition was so desperate, that they begun sewing pleas for help inside clothing items to make consumers aware of the labour violations.

Business Report 2021

Aren't there any rules or organizations that can protect Factory Worker's lives?

There are plentiful rules, laws and regulations passed by Governement and various NGOs but are not enough to make the stakeholders liable.

Tools like Fashion Transparency Index(FTI) attempts at incentivizing large fashion brands to be more transparent about their social and environmental effort but are not well known.
Several Third Party Fair Trade regulating organizations to act against brands and supply chain practices that are not beneficial for factory workers.

Primary Research : How aware are the users of the factory worker's situation?

From what I learnt, consumers might not be very aware of this situation, so I conducted interview to understand the consumer side of the story. I came up with an interview protocol with 2 primary research questions that served as the North Star.

How aware are consumers of the factory workers’ rights and transparency.
What are the factors that users weigh in when shopping online?

Participants : 6
Age range:  23- 29
Medium : Zoom
Documentation : Interviews were recorded and transcribed, note taking when necessary.

Topic DomainsT1: General online shopping questions

T2: User’s familiarity with consciousness and ethics in shopping.

T3: User’s relationship with ethics in shopping.

Interesting insights from the Interview participants.

will continue buying fast fashion knowing unethical practices.
are willing to pay extra to support factory workers’ wages.
surprised about the ethical considerations when shopping.
2. Board and yarns: Connecting all the dots.

I identified 4 underlying themes that I wanted to ideate on.

1. Awareness of Action
2. Making brands accountable.
3. Visibility of factory workers' cause.
4. Unifying user's power.

After transcribing the interviews, I started synthesizing the data. I categorized the answers and insights by affinity mapping.

The Design Frame: What are we fighting for?

Educate Users

Educate users about suitability and factors that makes brands ethical. Make users more aware about the supply chain policies of brands.

Encourage Users

focusing on positive impact of users and using it as a motivation for users to opt for ethical and sustainable options.

Empower users

Unifing user's contribution to make their impact powerful.

Empathizing with the consumers all the stakeholders


3. Proposed Concepts

While I was doing the research, I came up with a few concepts that might be inculcated in the application, some of which were integrated into the final application as follows.

Behind the making of clothes

Bullet points on the clothes in making helps to attach emotion and gives clothes a depth.

About the Weaver

A brief note on the worker who made the clothes -a way to give recognition to the hard work that these factory workers put in, something that they don't get enough of; this also makes consumers aware of their lives.

Directly impact a worker's life

Option to donate a small amount of money that goes directly into the worker’s pocket.

Supporting Workers' cause

We also give the consumers the option to donate to certain campaigns run by the brands for the factory workers' causes.

Solution Key features
Ethical Quotient and brand voting in Real-time.

These votes give consumers certain amount of power to make brands liable. The brand recommendations based on metrics and user votes each week ensures that the brands are more conscious about their impact on the environment and the treatment of their workers.

Solution Key features
Mobilizing Customer support.

Option for non-monetary support through signing petitions that help third-party fair trade regulating organizations gain enough momentum to act against brands and supply chain practices that are not beneficial for factory workers.

Solution Key features
Conscious User Journey Profile.

A profile for the users which gives a summary of their conscious journey through metrics like donation, positive environmental impact through their decision to buy ethical clothing, and also how their voting helped GoodBuy create top ethical brand lists.

Solution Key features
Database of factories labeled as Fair Trade.

To know more about the measures these factories are taking for the well-being of their workers. This is to increase transparency.

Solution Key features
Becoming an advocate for factory workers

This is an opportunity for the consumers to become more involved with the worker communities helping them through donation.

Solution Key features
Spotlight brands who care.

We also keep a track of brands that stand for the workers and their causes and make users aware of them.

Solution Key features

4. User Testing - The verdict

Primary Testing Questions (The North Star)
Educate, encourage, and empower users about factory workers’ rights and fair trade practices when shopping online.

Participants : 5
Age range:  23- 29
Medium : Zoom
Documentation : Interviews were recorded and transcribed, note taking when necessary.

"Too many options are a bit overwhelming."
"The navigating in shopping flow is confusing. There is no option to go back."
"I loved the onboarding."

Since this was a two week design challenge, we did not have enough time to iterate through the feedbacks. However, I wanted to iterate it to make visuals more consistent and brainstorm on making the options more streamlined.

How did I grow through the process?

Design Alternatives

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