Largest Chinatown Outside Asia.-

Backstory 🔍 is a website that provides online resources to plan visit to Chinatown.

Existing platform has a lot of UX issues that makes it difficult for users to navigate and plan.

Objective 🎯

Explore the existing issues with stakeholders.

Understand the painpoints of all stakeholders and underlying patterns.

Ideate to make online shopping experience more ethical and conscious.

Outcome ✨

Educate consumers about factory workers' conditions.

Encourage consumers to take action.

Empower consumers to make Brands accountable and transparent about fair trade practices.

Project Overview is a website to provide online resources to plan a visit to Chinatown. This project designs the website to improve the user experience of visitors and make it a one stop tourism resource page of Chinatown San Francisco.

Final Design
Project Type
13 May - 17 July
UX Designer(1)
Redesigned Information Architecture
My Role
Heuristic Evaluation, Sitemap, Task Analysis, Content Audit, User Scenarios, Content Writing, restructured information architecture

The Design Process

Discovery 🔎

Context Study
Heuristic Evaluation
Content Audit

Ideation 💭

User scenarios
Task Analysis
Design Principles
User Flows

UX Design 🏗️

UX Flow
Information Architecture

UI Design 🖼️

Color Palatte
Color Explanation

The Design Challenge

Business Goal

User Goal

Solution: The Redesigned Information Architecture.

The Design Process: The story behind the Product.

1. Discovery : What are the issues with the current website?

1. Heuristic Evaluation
Why Heuristic Evaluation

Usability Issues from Heuristic Evaluation as Key Oppurtunity Areas

Broken system visibility.
Confusing navigation and no natural mapping.
Inconsistent structure throughout the website.
Irrelevant information causes information overload.

2. Content Audit

Why Content Audit

After identifying the interface issues, I did a content audit for a more in-depth information about the structure of the website, the scope of information provided. The initial web crawl was of 400+ pages. So I decided to evaluate each pages based on 3 criteria:

1. Effectiveness
2. Accuracy
3. Value

It was during this stage that I came up with a set of goals for the Users and the Business to help me further with the redesign as I did not have direct contact with the users of the website or the business.

Content Audit of the webpages of
Link to my content audit excel sheet.

Usability Issues from Content Audit as Key Oppurtunity Areas

Disconnect in intended business and user goal.
Lack of discoverability and findability of information.
Outdated information.
Confusing navigation and irrelevant information

3. User Senarios and Task Analysis

Now, I had enough information about the issues of the User Interface and the content and the goal of the website. Now I decide to focus on the User Experience part.

The website seem to have a value goal that it wants users to achieve and it has various categories of information, that are outdated, however I see a huge opportunity in this website as a one stop online site, where users can not just learn about its rich history, culture and heritage but also experience it in Chinatown in real time.

Why User Scenarios and Task Analysis?
Task Analysis User Senario and Tasks

Number of Participants : 3
Demographic : 25- 29 years

User is planning to visit San Francisco. User wants to explore Chinatown as much in the limited time of their trip.
User goal
Plan a trip to Chinatown by learning about places the user can visit in Chinatown and things user can do in Chinatown.
1. How to reach Chinatown.
2. Finding places to visit in Chinatown.
3. Exploring things to do in Chinatown.
4. Indulging in the culture through shopping and food

Task Analysis Insights

Usability Issues from Task Analysis as Key Oppurtunity Areas

confusing navigation: no natural mapping
too many information that is not useful to me.
the interface is difficult to read and is boring

2. Ideation: How do I make the website experience better for the visitors?

1. Sitemap

With the knowledge of business and user needs, I created the original sitemap of the website and then based on the information from the heuristic evaluation, content audit and the task analysis I created the first iteration of the sitemap.

Original Sitemap
First Iteration

After I had the Original Sitemap, I designed my first iteration of the sitemap based on the Heuristic evaluation, content audit and task analysis insights.

Final Iteration

I reworked on the hierarchy of information and the navigation go the website by careful considerations from my research methods. I also tested my sitemap with 5 UX designers. And I came up with a final Sitemap that I decided to develop into the Wireframe.

Link to my sitemap in lucidchart

3. Wireframing

To wireframe, I started off with hand sketches. Once I had an idea of overall wireframe design, I started wire framing in  Axure XP. I made various iterations till it made sense to me.

Check out my full Wireframe in Axure! 😄
1. Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar needed to be optimized with intuitive tab names with more natural mapping. I also added sign up/ log in for returning visitors to give them more personalized experience and recommendations. I also added a search tab to help with discoverability and findability of thew website content.

Redesigned Navigation Bar
Original Navigation Bar
2. Homepage

Previously the Homepage had an excess of texts and links that was neither scannable or readable. The homepage was also not helping to direct visitors to current events or happenings. I redesigned it to make users more enthusiastic about the events , informing them of 'Highlights for the week' for them to plan.

Redesigned Homepage : Hightlight of the Week feature.
Original Homepage

3. Events Page

I added filters like category, price range, location and dates. Preferences, I found users are interested about that I found out about in Task Analysis.

Redesigned Events Page
Original Events Page

4. Attractions Page

Previous pages were very text intensive and didn't help users to get an idea about the attraction. There were too many links that was not always helpful. I redesigned it to include images, reviews and duration of the visit that would help them with the planning and get interested about.

Redesigned Attractions Page
Original Attractions Page

5. Store

I changed the store page to include more images and categories to explore by. I replaced 'Special Deal' links with Exclusive Deal Zone, to make the deals more findable. I also added stores of Chinatown that users can explore before visiting Chinatown to buy souvier for friends and family, another thing visitors cared about as found in Task Analysis.

Redesigned Store
Original Store

6. Blog

To encourage users to stay engaged and return back, I added a Blog page for users to post their experiences in form of blogs and vlogs and images, that would also be helpful to new visitors to watch and be excited about Chinatown visit.


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