Hiring ML, DS and growing Frontier Tech Talents on Demand. - JobStart

Project Overview

JobStart helps make effective hires by helping create structured, targeted job descriptions focusing on candidate-company value match and removing unconscious bias.

Final Design
Project Type
2 Months
Product Manager (CEO)
Product Designer (Me)
My Role
Research, mind map, interviews, Concept Development, UX concept, Visual Development, Designed UI.
Design Process Overview
Discovery 🔎

Context Study
User Interview

Ideation 💭

Feature Narrative
Design Principles
User Flows

UX Design 🏗️

UX Flow (IA)

UI Design 🖼️

Color Palatte
Color Explanation

The Problem Statement

Values through Design Solution

I, with the help of my product manager, designed a solution to tackle the 3 overarching problems with hiring platforms by making candidate match anonymous, AI-driven job positing and value compatibility matching.

Equity in Opportunities⚖️

Intuitive Experience. ✨

Value Comptibility✋

The Design Process: The story behind the Product.

1. Discovery : What are the unresolved issues hiring managers face in most job platforms?

1.1 Secondary Research : Recruitment Challenges

I did some research to find the recruiter's painpoints in existing ways of hiring and created a mind map by using the '5 why's' technique to understand the underlying reasons for the problem.

1.2 Primary Research : Experience of Hiring Managers in hiring process.

To understand the user side of the story, I interviewed 5 Hiring Managers from small to mid sized companies to understand which their experience with hiring.

Converting the painpoints into Key Opportunity Areas

"I try to not be biased and be just, however, we always have issues with being diverse in workforce."
How to make the experience of framing job description minimal cognitively loaded?
"Work culture is very important to Gen-Z. And sometimes we overlook the importance, leading to bad hires and resignation after few months."
How to brand the company through values to attract and engage the right candidate?
"Sometimes we have an idea of the skills and requirement from a candidate, but we don't really know how to put it into words."
How to make the experience of framing job description minimal cognitively loaded?

2. Ideation : A Hiring platform focusing on hiring Gen-Z.

2.1 Brainstorming and solution - Affinity Mapping.

While researching, I realized that most hiring platforms does not focus on culture and values of the company and the candidates, while being important factors which determines if they are good fit for each other. Having learnt about the hiring managers /side of the story, I brainstormed on what factors are important for candidates when they look for job through hiring platform.

3. Empathizing with users: When and how would this design help the Recuiters?

Based on research and insight, I created a storyboard to help empathize with the users by creating a user scenario.

4. Information Architecture

After having done the research and ideation. I started to draw out an information architecture for the application. After a couple of iterations in paper and in Lucidchart, I came up with a final flow after a couple of iterations.

5. User Flow and Wireframing

1. Registration Flow and completing Profile
2. Creating Job Posting
3. Searching for Talent
4. Spotlighting matching Talent

6. Final UI

1. Unbiased Recruitment

Total anonymity to help remove gender, race and culture bias.The information provided help hiring managers focus on the skills of the candidate.

2. Intuitive job posting

Instead of having the hiring mangers to draft the job description content by themselves, JobStart helps hiring managers create the perfect job description by answering simple questions.

3. Matching candidates based on skills and personality.

Compatibility between the organization, team and team members is overlooked more than often.We wanted to focus on helping hiring manager find compatible team members through ‘Power skills’.Power skills are the intangible traits that are important for efficient interactions and idea sharing.

For the complete UI deep dive, please reach out to me through email.

7. Design Takeaways

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OverviewDiscoveryIdeationWireframe & IAFinal UIDesign Takeaways

Secondary Research : Recruitment Challenges